Building Info
park drive estates - 235 park dr, salt spring island, bc v8k 2s1, canada, 1 level, 12 units in strata, was built in 1992. maintenance fees include building insurance, garbage pickup and water. crossroads are park drive and woodhall place. nearby park include rainbow road dog park and mouat park. this address nearby to ganges marina, thrifty foods, salt spring saturday market, salt spring island public library, lions club of salt spring island, gulf islands secondary school, country grocer, lady minto / gulf islands hospital, foxglove farm and garden supply, gulf island veterinary clinic, go fitness personal training, rainbow road indoor pool and garden faire gallery nursery & campground. closest restaurants include dogwoods restaurant, golden island-chinese restaurant, uptown pizza-pizza restaurant, als gourment falafel & fries-falafel restaurant, juice jammer-restaurant, ganges street food-restaurant, house piccolo-restaurant, the restaurant at the saltspring inn, oystercatcher seafood bar and grill, tree house caf, arigato sushi and auntie pestos italian restaurant.
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Park Drive Estate - 235 Park Dr.
Park Drive Estate - 235 Park Dr.
Park Drive Estate - 235 Park Dr.
Park Drive Estate - 235 Park Dr.