Magnet for mayhem in False Creek North

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009

Mayor Robertson’s homeless shelters are an ill-considered failure that has left a neighbourhood in chaos

Lin Sheffield

One of a series of photos taken around the Howe Street HEAT shelters. — LIN SHEFFIELD

Homelessness is a significant problem in Metro Vancouver. Residents have a moral obligation to assist vulnerable and less-fortunate individuals in a manner of their choosing.

But to provide a long-term, sustainable solution to homelessness, there needs to be a comprehensive, well thought-out plan looking after all those involved.

Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson’s bold social experiment to open two no-barrier shelters in False Creek North is a prime example of how not to approach the homeless problem. Not only did the mayor fail to inform residents that the shelters were opening, but he situated the shelters within metres of a pre-school, daycare and seniors’ residence with little regard for the consequences.

In months, the shelters transformed the once peaceful neighbourhood into chaos. Instead of these “no-barrier” shelters bringing in homeless people with shopping carts and pets not allowed in conventional shelters, the facilities have become a magnet for drug dealers, prostitutes and petty criminals.

False Creek North residents routinely witness people using and dealing illegal drugs (crack-cocaine and heroin) and carrying weapons. Residents have been intimidated, threatened and assaulted. We’ve seen prostitution, public sex acts, malicious vandalism, theft, and our properties used as dumping grounds for used syringes, condoms and human excrement requiring that the shelter alley be hosed down nightly.

In 12 years of living in False Creek North, I have never seen such disturbing sights. Residents no longer feel safe in their own neighbourhood.

For four months, residents and business owners have contacted civic politicians and sent photos of illegal and immoral activities in the neighbourhood, imploring mayor and city council to address our concerns. Council has ignored residents’ concerns, dismissing them with offhand statements such as: “we haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary”. . . “all kids litter, we need to teach them”. . . “crime is down” . . . and “surprising to hear very few complaints until now.”

When the media carried photos of a tattooed thug carrying an axe, Councillor Kerry Jang responded “a lot of these guys are carvers, so they have their tools.” Residents were routinely dismissed as “irresponsible” for airing their concerns about safety and security in their own neighbourhood.

Mark Smith with RainCity Housing, which runs the shelters, has publicly stated that residents’ “concerns are legitimate, there are far too many people housed together and we cannot control the outside element”.

The city’s recent attempts to crack down on troublemakers outside the shelters had little substance or effect; problems continue. Within hours of Robertson’s press conference proclaiming his new steps taken to further “raise barriers,” a shelter client threatened to stab my neighbour with a syringe, and was subsequently arrested and charged. The suspect returned to the shelter the next day.

Sadly, False Creek North residents now face new fury from shelter supporters for wanting the remaining “magnet for mayhem” closed. As recently as Sunday, on his way to City Hall, a resident was followed, taunted and threatened. Police are looking for two suspects.

Even though these shelters are a city initiative, Housing Minister Rich Coleman was forced to step in on June 29 to withdraw funding and close one of the two problematic no-barrier shelters imposed upon this primarily residential community. Coleman also directed the City of Vancouver to engage in “immediate community consultation” on the remaining shelter.

After failing to attend a community-organized townhall forum on this issue June 11 and ignoring residents’ legitimate concerns for seven months, Robertson gave 10 area residents a few days notice to attend a closed-door meeting on July 19. No public forum is planned.

The city posted an online survey inviting people to give input on the shelters in False Creek North and the homeless problem in Vancouver. The city’s survey postcards feature an admitted generic stock photo of a gentle-looking homeless man and his dog; hardly representative of visitors attracted to the Howe St. shelter.

The fundamental flaw with this online survey is that anyone can fill it out by entering a Vancouver postal code. It can easily be manipulated by special interest groups that could stack the results. False Creek North residents fear it will be little more than a public relations ploy by the mayor to justify his ill-conceived decision to open these shelters.

During the last civic election, Vision Vancouver campaigned on a promise to “increase accountability, transparency . . . with new opportunities for engagement, and improved consultation on major issues.” When opening the two no-barrier shelters, city council bypassed normal requirements for permits and bylaws. Residents were not consulted on the shelters. And contrary to verbal and written reports from the city stating otherwise, the City Hall withheld notification of the existence of the HEAT shelters from all area residents.

Robertson insists on keeping the remaining shelter open “year-round.” Is it any wonder this community has lost all confidence in the mayor to manage or control a problem that he alone created?

Many homeless people in Vancouver have drug, alcohol and mental problems. Addressing homelessness requires a comprehensive solution that involves not just shelter but treatment as well.

At the same time, when opening shelters, the city has an obligation to ensure the safety and security of residents is protected.

Lin Sheffield is a resident of False Creek North and a member of Concerned Citizens of False Creek North.

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