How to unlock the secrets of your next property

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Jamie Henry

Whether your aim is to bolster your property’s online profile or unearth the past secrets of a prospective purchase, search-engine sleuthing is worth the effort – after all, you wouldn’t start a new job or go on a blind date without a little Google search beforehand.

The same logic should apply when considering investing in a new property. “I do a general Google search and sometimes get interesting information, like if the property has been put up for sale before and then I would follow up with a Realtor to do some more digging,” said Quentin D’Souza, chief education officer at Durham Real Estate Investors.

Google image or map views can also help potential investors understand how a house is situated on a lot and what the neighbourhood looks like.

D’Souza would use a general Google search to discover whether any interesting events have occurred in the neighbourhood or the street.

He added: “I would also use online resource sites like HouseCreep and The Bed Bug Registry to dive a little deeper and look at some more specific problems that a property might have.”

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