PeeWee PC great for little fingers

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Gillian Shaw

PeeWee Pivot Tablet Laptop, PeeWee PC

G-Shot HD520, Genius

Gravity Well, Genius Factor Games

1. PeeWee Pivot Tablet Laptop, PeeWee PC, $600 US

This is just too cute. While I don’t advocate plunking your kid in front of a computer instead of the soccer field, as a tech writer I rate the ability to keyboard and text by the age of two as essential skills. Okay, maybe three — put it on the preschool curriculum. Not that I’ve ever met a kid who has had to be taught how to text. And three up to 10 is the age range recommended for PeeWee PC’s laptop for little ones that has a convertible rotating screen and touch tablet with a stylus. It weighs 1.36 kilograms, a bit more than the average netbook, and has a 1.3-megapixel camera. It comes with PeeWee’s proprietary security suite so parents can control how and when their kids are computing.

2. G-Shot HD520, Genius, $150 US

With video cameras shrinking both in size and in price, it’s no wonder YouTube gets 10 hours of video uploaded every minute. The G-Shot HD520 has HD video, 11-megapixel stills, and weighs less than six-ounces (170 grams). It is compatible with Windows Vista, XP and 2000 operating systems, and Mac OS10 and higher. It has a 6.35-cm (2.5-inch) LCD screen that rotates up to 270 degrees. It has face detection and electronic image stabilizers to compensate for those jittery caffeine fingers when you’re shooting photos. The built-in memory is 32 MB, and it supports additional HCSD memory up to eight gigabytes. HDMI cable is included so you can watch your high-def creations on your television.

3. Gravity Well, Genius Factor Games, $3.99

I’ve got a new toy on my iPhone that’s giving Twitterific a run for its money when it comes to amusing myself in grocery lineups and dull meetings. They call it pinball meets mini golf, but the little ball that you have to coax around the screen while applying the iPhone’s version of gravity reminds me of soccer. And it bounces around along the way like a pinball. Controlling gravity is harder than it sounds: Along the way are crushers, zappers, spikes and other nasties that can seriously stymie your score. The creation of Vancouver‘s Genius Factor Games, you can find Gravity Well for your iPhone or iPod touch at Apple’s app store.

4. 26LV610U LCD TV/DVD, Toshiba, $650

It doesn’t take up much space, but this TV/DVD combo has two HDMI inputs, a PC input so you can hook it up to your computer, and WMA, MP3, JPEG and DivX playback. It has a 16:9 widescreen display and hidden speaker.

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