How to be a successful seller

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007


If you’re thinking of selling your home, remember the old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This also applies to your home. Give prospective buyers a favourable first impression and it can lead to a better sales price and less time on the market.

Preparing your home for sale doesn’t have to be costly. It’s about bringing out the best in your home. Here are some tips to help you get started.


An inviting exterior is the first thing potential buyers see. Increase curb appeal with well-maintained lawns and gardens. Plant flowers in beds and add a colourful potted plant by the front door. Get rid of clutter and refuse, repair loose siding or pavement and replace damaged shingles or cracked windows. Wash windows, gutters, mailbox and doors.


Nobody likes to walk into a home that is filled with clutter. This can make it difficult for a potential buyer to see what your home really looks like. Get rid of clutter in your closets, cabinets, drawers, shelves and on counters. A spacious room is a great selling feature.


Perspective buyers will look closely at your home. This is one of the most inexpensive ways to prepare your house for sale. Get on your rubber gloves and dust, polish and scrub. Cleaning does not only entail the inside, it is important to have the outside of your house up-to-par. If you don’t have time, hire a professional cleaning service.


This is the time to do little fix ups. Touch up the paint on the walls, fix broken door handles, repair window latches, and get rid of any stains in your carpet. Fix leaky faucets and put new light bulbs in all the fixtures.


Replace outdated wallpaper, or paint a fresh colour on an accent wall in your home. Create an ambiance for your home with sweet smelling candles and low lighting.

Now that your house is ready to sell, here are a few ideas used by successful sellers to help close the sale.

Play soft, soothing music. Remember to keep the volume down so the REALTOR and prospective(s) buyer can talk while touring.

If you have pets, if possible, try to keep them out of the house. To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, bake cookies or bread.

This wonderful aroma will welcome a potential buyer.

Let in the sunshine. Open some of the windows in your home, lift the blinds and pull back the drapes to create an airy and roomy feeling.

Doing these simple touches to your home can make it more appealing to a purchaser and increase the value.

(Source: Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver)

© The Vancouver Sun 2007

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